Asynchronous programming Model(APM)异步编程模型以BeginMethod(...) 和
EndMethod(...)结对出现。 IAsyncResult BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback callback, object
state) WebResponse EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
Event-based Asynchronous Pattern(EAP)模型以MethodAsync(...) 和CancelAsync(...)
.Net4.5开始Task Parallel Library(TPL) 为异步和并行编程提供新的模型,使异步和并发操作有统一的编程入口,
该模型常定义以Async后缀结尾的函数名、返回带有awaitable属性的Task/Task<T>对象, 如果你的program
target设置为4.5+,可用Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP)取代以上2种模型。
,有了Task几乎不用去和Thread 打交道,使用者只需要关注具体业务对应的Job,Task背后有一个 TaskScheduler
状态& 枚举值 说明
Created = 0 The task has been initialized but has not yet been scheduled
WaitingForActivation = 1 The task is waiting to be activated and scheduled
internally by the .NET Framework infrastructure.
WaitingToRun = 2 The task has been scheduled for execution but has not yet
begun executing.
Running = 3 The task is running but has not yet completed.
WaitingForChildrenToComplete = 4 The task has finished executing and is
implicitly waiting for attached child tasks to complete.
RanToCompletion = 5 The task completed execution successfully
Canceled = 6 The task acknowledged cancellation by throwing an
OperationCanceledException with its own CancellationToken while the token was
in signaled state, or the task's CancellationToken was already signaled before
the task started executing
Faulted = 7 The task completed due to an unhandled exception
* 任务是架构在线程之上的,也就是说任务最终还是要抛给线程去执行
* ThreadPool不支持线程取消、完成、失败通知等交互新操作
* ThreadPool不支持线程执行的先后顺序。
await/async 语法糖
在异步编程实践中,将网络、数据库同步访问称为 I/O-bound;将等待CPU计算结果称为CPU-bound
TAP异步编程模型的核心是塑造异步操作的Task、Task<T>对象,这是awaitable 对象,await/async语法糖简化了写法
对于I/O-bound 代码,编写一个返回Task或Task<T>的async方法, 之后await 这个方法
在C#语言底层,编译器将你的await/async 代码转换为状态机, 记录了当await发生时控制权上交和后台工作完成时恢复执行的标记。
异步代码可用于I/O -bound 和CPU-bound 代码, 但是2个场景的写法是不同的
异步编程利用Task和Task<T>对象来 塑造需要在后台完成的工作
async关键字将方法转变为异步方法,这样可在方法体使用await关键词, 如果async方法内不包含await关键词,那将不会上交控制权
当await动作发生时,将会暂停(注意是suspend 而不是block)方法,并将控制权上交给调用者(直到awaitable任务完成)
await 只能被用在async方法内部
执行以下操作… 替换以下方式… 使用以下方式
检索后台任务的结果 Task.Wait / Task.Result await
等待任何任务完成 Task.WaitAny await Task.WhenAny
检索多个任务的结果 Task.WaitAll await Task.WhenAll
等待一段时间 Thread.Sleep await Task.Delay
using System; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using
System.Net.Http;namespace Test { class Program { static void Main(string[]
args) {var asyncMethod = AccessTheWebAsync(); Console.WriteLine("go on ...... "+
Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId );//
等待异步线程处理完毕,没有以下句子,await使控制回到调用方,主线程即终止。 asyncMethod.Wait(); } public static
async Task<int> AccessTheWebAsync() { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); //
GetStringAsync returns a Task<string>.// That means that when you await the
task you'll get a string (urlContents). Task<string> getStringTask =
client.GetStringAsync("http://msdn.microsoft.com"); // You can do work here
that doesn't rely on the string from GetStringAsync. DoIndependentWork(); //
The await operator suspends AccessTheWebAsync.// - AccessTheWebAsync can't
continue until getStringTask is complete.// - Meanwhile, control returns to the
caller of AccessTheWebAsync.// - Control resumes here when getStringTask is
complete.// - The await operator then retrieves the string result from
getStringTask. string urlContents = await getStringTask;
Console.WriteLine(urlContents.Length+"....... "+
Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId );// The return statement specifies an
integer result.// Any methods that are awaiting AccessTheWebAsync retrieve the
length value. return urlContents.Length; } public static void
DoIndependentWork() { Console.WriteLine("work ......"+
Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); } } }
以上代码在ASP.NET 或GUI程序可能会发生死锁,
具体参见《.NET异步编程系列3:掌握SynchronizationContext避免deadlock》;控制台程序经过验证在.NET Core 和.Net
Task对象提供了丰富的API帮助我们完成 基于任务的异步操作, 让我们专注业务概念的任务。
作者:Julian_酱 <https://www.cnblogs.com/mi12205599>
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