* 无参装饰器(掌握) <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#无参装饰器掌握>
* 什么是装饰器? <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#什么是装饰器>
* 为什么要用装饰器? <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#为什么要用装饰器>
* 怎么用装饰器? <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#怎么用装饰器>
* 完善装饰器 <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#完善装饰器>
* 装饰器语法糖 <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#装饰器语法糖>
* 装饰器模板 <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#装饰器模板>
* 有参装饰器(掌握) <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#有参装饰器掌握>
* 三层闭包 <https://www.cnblogs.com/nickchen121/p/10771174.html#三层闭包>
* 装饰器本身其实是可以任意可调用的对象
* 被装饰的对象也可以是任意可调用的对象
* 不修改被装饰对象的源代码
* 不修改被装饰对象的调用方式
import time def index(): start = time.time() print('welcome to index')
time.sleep(1) end = time.time() print(F"index run time is {start-end}") index()
welcome to index index run time is -1.000546932220459
import time def index(): print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) def f2():
print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) start = time.time() index() end =
time.time() print(F"index run time is {start-end}") start = time.time() f2()
end = time.time() print(F"f2 run time is {start-end}") welcome to index index
run time is -1.0008552074432373 welcome to index f2 run time is
import time def index(): print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) def
time_count(func): start = time.time() func() stop = time.time() print(f"{func}
time is {start-end}") time_count(index) welcome to index <function index at
0x10471cd90> time is 0.013829231262207031
import time def index(): print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) def
time_count(func): # func = 最原始的index def wrapper(): start = time.time() func()
stop = time.time() print(f"{func} time is {start-end}") return wrapper # f =
time_count(index) # f() index = time_count(index) # index为被装饰函数的内存地址,即index =
wrapper index() # wrapper() welcome to index <function index at 0x104629ea0>
time is 1.028921127319336
import time def index(): print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) return 123
def time_count(func): # func = 最原始的index def wrapper(): start = time.time() res
= func() stop = time.time() print(f"{func} time is {start-end}") return res
return wrapper index = time_count(index) res = index() print(f"res: {res}")
welcome to index <function index at 0x102472048> time is 2.0456860065460205
res: 123
import time def index(): print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) return 123
def home(name): print(f"welcome {name} to home page") time.sleep(1) return name
def time_count(func): # func = 最原始的index def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start =
time.time() res = func(*args, **kwargs) stop = time.time() print(f"{func} time
is {start-end}") return res return wrapper home = time_count(home) res =
home('egon') print(f"res: {res}") welcome egon to home page <function home at
0x10471cd90> time is 3.0677449703216553 res: egon
import time def time_count(func): # func = 最原始的index def wrapper(*args,
**kwargs): start = time.time() res = func(*args, **kwargs) stop = time.time()
print(f"{func} time is {start-end}") return res return wrapper @time_count #
home = time_count(home) def home(name): print(f"welcome {name} to home page")
time.sleep(1) return name @time_count # index = time_count(index) def index():
print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) return 123 res = home('egon')
print(f"res: {res}") welcome egon to home page <function home at 0x102472048>
time is 4.091389894485474 res: egon
def deco(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): res = func(*args,**kwargs) return
res return wrapper
import time current_user = {'username': None} def login(func): # func =
最原始的index def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if current_user['username']: res =
func(*args, **kwargs) return res user = input('username: ').strip() pwd =
input('password: ').strip() if user == 'nick' and pwd == '123': print('login
successful') current_uesr['usre'] = user res = func(*args, **kwargs) return res
else: print('user or password error') return wrapper @login def home(name):
print(f"welcome {name} to home page") time.sleep(1) return name @login def
index(): print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) return 123 res = index()
username: nick password: 123 login successful welcome to index
import time current_user = {'username': None} def login(func): # func =
最原始的index def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if current_user['username']: res =
func(*args, **kwargs) return res user = input('username: ').strip() pwd =
input('password: ').strip() engine = 'file' if engine == 'file': print('base of
file') if user == 'nick' and pwd == '123': print('login successful')
current_uesr['usre'] = user res = func(*args, **kwargs) return res else:
print('user or password error') elif engine == 'mysql': print('base of mysql')
elif engine == 'mongodb': print('base of mongodb') else: print('default')
return wrapper @login def home(name): print(f"welcome {name} to home page")
time.sleep(1) @login def index(): print('welcome to index') time.sleep(1) res =
index() username: nick password: 123 base of file login successful welcome to
def f1(y): def f2(): x = 1 def f3(): print(f"x: {x}") print(f"y: {y}") return
f3 return f2 f2 = f1(2) f3 = f2() f3() x: 1 y: 2
import time current_uesr = {'username': None} def auth(engine='file'): def
login(func): # func = 最原始的index def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if
current_user['username']: res = func(*args, **kwargs) return res user =
input('username: ').strip() pwd = input('password: ').strip() if engine ==
'file': print('base of file') if user == 'nick' and pwd == '123': print('login
successful') current_uesr['usre'] = user res = func(*args, **kwargs) return res
else: print('user or password error') elif engine == 'mysql': print('base of
mysql, please base of file') elif engine == 'mongodb': print('base of mongodb,
please base of file') else: print('please base of file') return wrapper return
login @auth(engine='mysql') def home(name): print(f"welcome {name} to home
page") time.sleep(1) @auth(engine='file') def index(): print('welcome to
index') time.sleep(1) res = index() username: nick password: 123 base of file
login successful welcome to index
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