1、创建表 create table 表名( 字段名 类型 约束, ) create table students( id int unsigned
primary key auto_increment, #主键,自动递增 name varchar(10) , age int unsigned,
height decimal(5,2) #身高是小数,总长度是5位,小数点后是2位 ) 2、删除表 (1)drop table 表名
#如果表存在则删除,如果表不存在则会报错 (2)drop table if exists 表名
1、添加数据 insert into 表名 values(...) (1)给所有的字段插入数据 insert into students
values(0,'张三',20,1.75) #第一位主键位置,通常写0或者default或者null来占位 (2)给指定字段插入数据 insert into
students(name) values('李四') 2、修改数据 update 表名 set 字段=值 where 条件 update students
set name='狄仁杰',age=18 where id=1 3、删除数据 delete from 表名 where 条件 delete from
students where id=1 4、查询数据 (1)select * from 表名 (2)select 字段1,字段2,字段3 from 表名
where 约束 (3)起别名 as select name as 姓名,sex as 性别 from students #给字段起别名 select
name,sex from students s #给表起别名 (4)去重 distinct select distinct sex from
students (5)比较运算符 >,<,!= (6)逻辑运算符 or,and,not select * from students where not
hometown='北京' (7)模糊查询 like %表示任意多个字符 _表示任意一个字符 select * from students where
name like '孙%' (8)范围查询 in,between and select * from students where hometown
in('北京','上海','广州') select * from students where age between 18 and 25 select *
from students where not age between 18 and 25 #年龄不在18到25之间 (9)空判断 判空 is null
判断非空 is not null 5、排序 order by asc 升序 desc 降序 select * from students order by
age asc #按照年龄升序排列 select * from students order by age desc,studentno desc
#先按照年龄从大到小排序,年龄相同时再按照学号降序排列 6、聚合函数 count(*) 计数 max 求最大值 min 求最小值 sum 求和 avg
求平均值 select max(age) from students where sex='女' #查询女生中的最大年龄 7、分组 group by
(1)select sex,count(*) from students group by sex #查询各种性别的人数 (2)分组过滤 having
select sex,count(*) from students group by sex having sex='男' #查询男生总人数
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