格式:NO-命令-命令概要-重要度-主要对象-参数 <必须参数> [可选参数]-含义-描述-需要未锁定钱包


1 addmultisigaddress 新增多重签名地址 ★ 地址 <nrequired> <'["key","key"]'> [account] 


2 addnode 新增节点 ★★★ 节点 <node> <add/remove/onetry> 尝试从节点列表中添加(add)或删除(remove)一个节点


3 backupwallet 备份钱包 ★★★★★ 钱包 <destination> 安全地复制wallet.dat到一个目标地址<destination>


4 createmultisig 创建多重签名地址 ★ 地址 <nrequired> <'["key,"key"]'> 创建一个多重签名的地址,并返回一个
JSON对象。 Creates a multi-signature address and returns a json object

5 createrawtransaction 创建原始交易 ★ 交易 [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...]
{address:amount,...} 创建一个原始交易,花费指定的输入交易。


6 decoderawtransaction 解码原始交易 ★ 交易 <hex string> 将一个原始交易解码成可读性较强的JSON对象。


7 dumpprivkey 导出私钥 ★★★★★ 地址 <bitcoinaddress> 导出币地址<bitcoinaddress>


8 encryptwallet 加密钱包 ★★★★★ 钱包 <passphrase> 为钱包设定密码<passphrase>


9 getaccount 取得地址账户 ★★★ 账户 <bitcoinaddress> 返回指定地址<bitcoinaddress>相关联的帐户。


10 getaccountaddress 取得账户地址 ★★★ 账户 <account> 返回指定账户<account>
当前的币收款地址,每次执行都会为指定账户创建一个的新的地址。 Returns the current bitcoin address for
receiving payments to this account. N

11 getaddednodeinfo 取得新增节点信息 ★ 节点 <dns> [node] 返回指定的新增节点[node]的信息,[node]


12 getaddressesbyaccount 取得账户所有地址 ★★★★★ 账户 <account> 返回指定账户<account>关联的所有地址列表。 
Returns the list of addresses for the given account. N


13 getbalance 取得余额 ★★★★★ 账户 [account] [minconf=1] 如果没有指定账户<account>
,返回钱包的总余额。如果指定账户<account>,返回账户余额。If [account] is not specified, returns the
server's total available balance.If [account] is specified, returns the balance
in the account. N


14 getblock 取得块信息 ★★★ 块 <hash> 返回指定的哈希<hash>块信息。 Returns information about the
given block hash. N


15 getblockcount 取得块数量 ★★★ 块 返回最长的块链中块的数量。

16 getblockhash 取得块哈希 ★★★ 块 <index> 返回最佳块链中指定索引<INDEX>块的哈希。 Returns hash of
block in best-block-chain at <index> N


17 getblocknumber 取得块数量


18 getblocktemplate 取得块模版 ★ 块 [params] 返回所需的数据用来构造一个有效的块。


19 getconnectioncount 取得连接数 ★ 节点 返回与其它节点的连接数。 Returns the number of
connections to other nodes. N


20 getdifficulty 取得当前难度 ★ 采矿 返回当前工作量证明难度(最低难度的倍数)


21 getgenerate 判断是否采矿 ★ 采矿 判断当前客户端是否正在采矿。


22 gethashespersec 取得采矿性能 ★ 采矿 返回当前客户端每秒计算哈希的性能。(当客户端开启采矿模式时)


23 getinfo 取得客户端信息 ★★★ 服务 返回一个包含当前客户端各种状态信息的对象。 Returns an object containing
various state info. N


24 getmemorypool 取得内存池信息 ★ 采矿 [data] 在版本0.7中被替换成getblocktemplate, submitblock,
getrawmempool Replaced in v0.7.0 with getblocktemplate, submitblock,
getrawmempool``` N


25 getmininginfo 取得采矿信息 ★★★★ 采矿 返回一个包含当前采矿信息的对象。 Returns an object containing


26 getnewaddress 创建新地址 ★★★★★ 地址 [account] 返回一个新的币地址,用于接收付款。如果指定账户[account]
(推荐),它将被添加到地址簿中,该地址收到的所有款项将被计入该帐户。 Returns a new bitcoin address for receiving
payments. If [account] is specified (recommended), it is added to the address
book so payments received with the address will be credited to [account]. N

27 getpeerinfo 取得节点信息 ★ 节点 返回每个已连接节点的数据。


28 getrawmempool 取得内存池原始交易ID ★ 采矿 返回内存池的所有原始交易ID。


29 getrawtransaction 取得原始交易信息 ★ 交易 <txid> [verbose=0] 返回指定的交易ID<txid>的原始交易描述。


30 getreceivedbyaccount 取得账户收款金额 ★★★★★ 账户 <account> [minconf=1] 返回指定账户<account>
上收到至少[minconf]个确认的收款交易总金额(不包括付款)。 Returns the total amount received by
addresses with [account] in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.
If [account] not provided return will include all transactions to all accounts.
(version 0.3.24) N


31 getreceivedbyaddress 取得地址收款金额 ★★★ 地址 <bitcoinaddress> [minconf=1] 返回指定地址
0。 Returns the total amount received by <bitcoinaddress> in transactions with
at least [minconf] confirmations. While some might consider this obvious, value
reported by this only considers *receiving* transactions. It does not check
payments that have been made *from* this address. In other words, this is not
"getaddressbalance". Works only for addresses in the local wallet, external
addresses will always show 0. N


32 gettransaction 取得交易信息 ★★★★★ 交易 <txid> 返回一个指定交易ID的哈希对象(仅限钱包内的地址交易)。 Returns
an object about the given transaction containing:"amount" : total amount of the
transaction"confirmations" : number of confirmations of the transaction"txid" :
the transaction ID"time" : time associated with the transaction[1]."details" -
An array of objects containing: "account" "address" "category" "amount" "fee" N


33 gettxout 取得交易输出 ★ 交易 <txid> <n> [includemempool=true] 返回未动用的交易输出详细信息。 
Returns details about an unspent transaction output N


34 gettxoutsetinfo 取得交易输出设定信息 ★ 交易 返回未动用的交易输出统计信息集。 Returns statistics about
the unspent transaction output set N


35 getwork 计算 ★ 采矿 [data] 如果没有指定数据[data],返回格式化的哈希数据。如果指定数据,试图解决块,如果成功返回true。 
If [data] is not specified, returns formatted hash data to work on:"midstate" :
precomputed hash state after hashing the first half of the data"data" : block
data"hash1" : formatted hash buffer for second hash"target" : little endian
hash targetIf [data] is specified, tries to solve the block and returns true if
it was successful. N


36 help 帮助 ★★★ 服务 [command] 获得命令列表,或者指定命令[command]的帮助。 List commands, or get
help for a command. N


37 importprivkey 导入密钥 ★★★★★ 地址 <bitcoinprivkey> [label] [rescan=true] 
参数。需要未锁定钱包。 Adds a private key (as returned by dumpprivkey) to your wallet.
This may take a while, as a rescan is done, looking for existing transactions.
Optional [rescan] parameter added in 0.8.0. Y


38 keypoolrefill 填满密钥池 ★★★ 钱包 重新填满密钥池。需要未锁定钱包。 Fills the keypool, requires
wallet passphrase to be set. Y


39 listaccounts 查询账户列表 ★★★ 账户 [minconf=1] 返回一个Hash对象,帐户名作为键,帐户余额作为键的值。 Returns
Object that has account names as keys, account balances as values. N


40 listaddressgroupings 查询地址列表 ★★★★★ 地址 返回钱包上的所有地址信息(地址,余额,所属账户)。版本0.7 version
0.7 Returns all addresses in the wallet and info used for coincontrol. N


41 listreceivedbyaccount 列出账户的收款信息 ★★★★★ 账户 [minconf=1] [includeempty=false] 
Returns an array of objects containing:"account" : the account of the receiving
addresses"amount" : total amount received by addresses with this
account"confirmations" : number of confirmations of the most recent transaction
included N


42 listreceivedbyaddress 列出地址的收款信息 ★★★★★ 地址 [minconf=1] [includeempty=false] 
:包含的最近交易确认数量要得到系统上的所有帐户的列表,执行listreceivedbyaddress 0 true Returns an array of
objects containing:"address" : receiving address"account" : the account of the
receiving address"amount" : total amount received by the address"confirmations"
: number of confirmations of the most recent transaction includedTo get a list
of accounts on the system, execute bitcoind listreceivedbyaddress 0 true N


43 listsinceblock 列出指定块之后的交易 ★ 交易 [blockhash] [target-confirmations] 获得自从指定哈希块


44 listtransactions 列出交易 ★★★★★ 交易 [account] [count=10] [from=0] 返回指定账户[account]
不包含前[from]次的最近[count]次的交易。如果未指定账户则返回所有账户的最近交易。 Returns up to [count] most
recent transactions skipping the first [from] transactions for account
[account]. If [account] not provided will return recent transaction from all
accounts. N


45 listunspent 列出未动用输出 ★★★★ 交易 [minconf=1] [maxconf=999999]返回钱包中未动用交易输入的数组。


46 listlockunspent 列出锁定的未动用输出 ★★ 交易 返回暂时未动用的交易输出列表。


47 lockunspent 锁定未动用输出 ★★ 交易 <unlock?> [array-of-objects] 更新暂时未动用的交易输出列表。


48 move 转账 ★★★★ 账户 <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] 
把你钱包中一个账户<fromaccount>上的指定金额<amount> 转移到另一个账户<toaccount>上。 Move from one
account in your wallet to another N


49 sendfrom 从账户付款 ★★★★★ 交易 <fromaccount> <tobitcoinaddress> <amount>
[minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to] 从指定账户<fromaccount>向指定地址<tobitcoinaddress> 
ID<txid>(而不是一个JSON对象)。需要未锁定钱包 <amount> is a real and is rounded to 8 decimal
places. Will send the given amount to the given address, ensuring the account
has a valid balance using [minconf] confirmations. Returns the transaction ID
if successful (not in JSON object). Y


50 sendmany 向多个地址付款 ★★★★ 交易 <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1]
[comment] 从指定账户<fromaccount>向多个地址发送指定金额{address:amount,...}。金额是双精度浮点数。需要未锁定钱包 
amounts are double-precision floating point numbers Y


51 sendrawtransaction 发布原始交易 ★ 交易 <hexstring> 提交原始交易(序列化的十六进制编码)到本地节点和网络。



52 sendtoaddress 付款 ★★★★★ 交易 <bitcoinaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to] 
。需要未锁定钱包。 <amount> is a real and is rounded to 8 decimal places. Returns the
transaction ID <txid> if successful. Y


53 setaccount 设定账户 ★★★★★ 账户 <bitcoinaddress> <account> 将地址<bitcoinaddress>
关联到指定帐户<account>。如果该地址已经被关联到指定帐户,将创建一个新的地址与该帐户关联。 Sets the account associated
with the given address. Assigning address that is already assigned to the same
account will create a new address associated with that account. N


54 setgenerate 设定是否采矿 ★★★★ 采矿 <generate> [genproclimit] 根据<generate>参数的值(
true/false)决定客户端是否采矿。[genproclimit]参数指定采矿最大线程数,-1代表无限制。 <generate> is true or
false to turn generation on or off.Generation is limited to [genproclimit]
processors, -1 is unlimited. N


55 settxfee 设定交易费 ★★★ 交易 <amount> 交易费<amount>是一个四舍五入至小数点后8位的实数。 <amount> is a
real and is rounded to the nearest 0.00000001 N


56 signmessage 信息签名 ★★★★★ 地址 <bitcoinaddress> <message> 用地址<bitcoinaddress>
的私钥对信息<message>进行数字签名。需要未锁定钱包。 Sign a message with the private key of an
address. Y


57 signrawtransaction 对原始交易签名 ★ 交易 <hexstring>
[{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex},...] [<privatekey1>,...] 
添加原始交易的签名,并返回原始交易的结果。版本0.7 version 0.7 Adds signatures to a raw transaction and
returns the resulting raw transaction. Y/N


58 stop 停止服务 ★★★ 服务 停止币客户端服务 Stop bitcoin server. N


59 submitblock 提交块 ★ 块 <hex data> [optional-params-obj] 试图向网络提交新的块。 Attempts
to submit new block to network. N


60 validateaddress 地址验证 ★★★ 地址 <bitcoinaddress> 验证一个地址<bitcoinaddress>是否有效。 
Return information about <bitcoinaddress>. N


61 verifymessage 验证信息 ★★★★★ 地址 <bitcoinaddress> <signature> <message> 验证签名后信息
<signature>是否与指定地址<bitcoinaddress>的私钥签名的信息<message>一致。 Verify a signed message.


62 walletlock 钱包锁定 ★★★ 钱包 从内存中删除钱包的加密KEY,锁定钱包。调用此方法后,您将需要再次调用walletpassphrase
方法,才能够调用任何需要未锁定钱包的方法。 Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking
the wallet. After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase
again before being able to call any methods which require the wallet to be
unlocked. N


63 walletpassphrase 钱包解锁 ★★★ 钱包 <passphrase> <timeout> 把钱包的密码<passphrase>
存储在内存中持续<timeout>秒。 Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout>
seconds. N


64 walletpassphrasechange 修改钱包密码 ★★★★★ 钱包 <oldpassphrase> <newpassphrase> 
将钱包的原密码<oldpassphrase>修改为新密码<newpassphrase> Changes the wallet passphrase from
<oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>. N

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