电子科技大学 格拉斯哥学院 2017贺宸 ,同组同学 无





During the school study period, the college set up a new seminar for the new
students to contact more fields, understand cutting-edge technology. Among
them, there is a class devoted to image processing. Image processing is a
technique of analyzing an image with a computer to achieve a desired result.
Also known as image processing. Image processing generally refers to digital
image processing. A digital image is a large two-dimensional array taken with
an industrial camera, camera, scanner, etc. The elements of the array are
called pixels and their values are called gray values. Image processing
techniques generally include image compression, enhancement and restoration,
matching, description and recognition of three parts. In the lecture, the
teacher showed the application of several image processing techniques in real
life. The first display is a very high-resolution photo. After using image
processing technology, some key pixels are selected. This part of the selected
pixels is recombined into a thumbnail - a reduced version. Original picture.
This is to use image processing technology to generate preview images. When
browsing some large images, users can choose whether to view the original image
according to the preview image. This kind of application can save traffic for
users. Another application is to load a camera on a car or an unmanned aerial
vehicle, and use image processing technology to process the picture taken by
the camera. A stable image can be obtained. If there are two cameras, after
processing, the two images can be better spliced ​​together, and the swaying
images can be spliced so that the main part of the object is stable without
shaking and no obvious splicing marks. In the demo video, the main building
taken by the unmanned aerial vehicle is displayed on the screen stably. When
shooting a large object, a camera device cannot record the image completely.
You can use several small camera devices to obtain a complete image by using
image processing technology. I think this technology can be applied to road
monitoring. My father is a policeman. As far as the situation in my hometown is
concerned, most of the current monitoring in the city is to set up a camera on
the main road to monitor the traffic. Since the development of the monitoring
system, the pixels of the shooting screen are very high. The large and small
license plates in the image can be seen clearly after the enlarged numbers and
letters. This kind of system is excellent, but in some remote areas, or at high
speeds, it is difficult to set up surveillance cameras on a long road, high
cost and low profit. However, when congestion occurs on the highway, the police
also need a real-time picture to take countermeasures after an emergency. In
this case, unmanned aerial vehicles and image processing techniques can play a
crucial role. On the highway, the location and location of the crowded areas
are uncertain and will change at any time. The personnel at the police command
center can use the drone to take a live view of the scene. Through the image
processing technology, the high-resolution image is simply processed into a
more blurred image and sent to the command center system via the network.
Processed low-resolution video does not use too much traffic. When you need to
see high-definition images, such as viewing license plates, analyzing disputes,
and defining responsibilities, you can view the original video. In addition, if
you need a whole road traffic situation, you can process and combine the images
taken by several cameras to get an overall road segment.


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