1. 通讯录链表的建立
2. 通讯者信息的插入
3. 通讯者信息的查询
4. 通讯者信息的修改
5. 通讯者信息的删除
6. 通讯录链表的输出
7. 退出管理系统
请选择:1 – 7:
typedef struct { char num[5]; char name[30]; char sex[3]; char phone[13]; char
addr[31]; } DataType; //define a node; typedef struct node { DataType data;
struct node * next; } ListNode; ListNode *head;
首先 在main函数中使用switch实现不同功能的选择:
while(1) { // system("cls"); system("DATE/t"); //显示系统日期和时间 system("TIME/t");
switch(menu_select()) { //根据函数返回值进行选择 case 1: head = CreateList();//创建链表
printf("Querr OK\n"); break; case 2: head=insertList(head);//插入链表 c++; break;
case 3: findlist(head);//查询 break; case 4: modify(head);//修改 break; case 5:
head=deletelist(head);//删除 c--; break; case 6: displayList(head);//显示 break;
case 7: printf("thanks ! bye!");//退出 return 0; break; default :
printf("23333"); } // }
int menu_select() { int sn; printf(" the address list management\n"); printf("
1.create the address list\n"); printf(" 2.insert a piece of information\n");
printf(" 3.find a piece of information\n"); printf(" 4.modify a piece of
information\n"); printf(" 5.delete a piece of information\n"); printf("
6.display the address list\n"); printf(" 7.exit the management\n"); printf("
input 1-7:\n"); while(1) { scanf("%d",&sn); getchar(); if(sn < 1 || sn > 7)
printf("wrong input!please input again:\n"); else break; } return sn; }
ListNode* CreateList (void) { ListNode * head = (ListNode *
)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); if(head == NULL) { printf("in the CreateList: can't
malloc the memory"); exit(0); } head->next = NULL; return head; }
ListNode* insertList(ListNode * head ) { ListNode *p=head; ListNode
*s=(ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));//创建结点保存新输入的值 printf("pls input the
info you want to insert in order(number, name, sex, phone number and
address):\n");//input data gets(s->data.num); gets(s->data.name);
gets(s->data.sex); gets(s->data.phone); gets(s->data.addr); while(p->next)
{//find place to insert p=p->next; if(strcmp(s->data.num,p->data.num)<0) break;
}/* 循环结束时: \ 2.p->next==NULL;s>p; s-p 3.s<p; p-s */ if(p==head) {//表为空 则直接插入在表后
s->next=p->next; p->next=s; } else if(strcmp(s->data.num,p->data.num)<0)
{//q->s->p//找到一个num比当前num大的 插入在其前 ListNode *q=head;//q指向p的前一个 while(q->next!=p)
{ q=q->next; } q->next=s; s->next=p; } else {//p->s //没有比当前num大的 插入到最后(好像与第一个相同
之前写的 懒得改了) s->next=p->next; p->next=s; } return head;//insert end }
ListNode *findlist(ListNode * head) { ListNode *p=head->next; ListNode
*s=(ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); printf("pls input the data ( in number
) you want to find:\n"); gets(s->data.num);// input the data you want to find
while(p) { if(strcmp(p->data.num,s->data.num)==0) break; p=p->next; }
if(p==NULL) { printf("cannot be found!\n");//not find return NULL; } else
{//find sucess and output it printf("%s\t",p->data.num);
printf("%s\t",p->data.name); printf("%s\t",p->data.sex);
printf("%s\t",p->data.phone); printf("%s\n",p->data.addr); return p; } }
void modify(ListNode * head) { ListNode *p=findlist(head);//调用上一个函数的结果
if(p==NULL) { printf("cannot be found!\n");//not find } else { printf("pls
input new info:\n");//modify it gets(p->data.num); gets(p->data.name);
gets(p->data.sex); gets(p->data.phone); gets(p->data.addr); } }
ListNode *deletelist(ListNode * head) { ListNode *p=findlist(head);
if(p==NULL) { printf("cannot be found!\n");//not find } else { ListNode
*q=head; while(q->next!=p) { q=q->next; }//find the place before the deleted
data q->next=p->next; free(p);//release it printf("delete success.\n"); }
return head; }
void *displayList(ListNode * head ) { ListNode *p= head->next; if(p==NULL)
printf("the address list is NULL now.\n");// the list is empty now else { int
i=0; printf("num\tname\tsex\tphone\taddr\n"); while(i<c) { //output everything
printf("%s\t",p->data.num); printf("%s\t",p->data.name);
printf("%s\t",p->data.sex); printf("%s\t",p->data.phone);
printf("%s\n",p->data.addr); p=p->next; i++; } } }
选择7:return 0; 结束
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include
<windows.h> int c; //define the information about the data; typedef struct {
char num[5]; char name[30]; char sex[3]; char phone[13]; char addr[31]; }
DataType; //define a node; typedef struct node { DataType data; struct node *
next; } ListNode; ListNode *head; //the menu of the management; int
menu_select() { int sn; printf(" the address list management\n"); printf("
1.create the address list\n"); printf(" 2.insert a piece of information\n");
printf(" 3.find a piece of information\n"); printf(" 4.modify a piece of
information\n"); printf(" 5.delete a piece of information\n"); printf("
6.display the address list\n"); printf(" 7.exit the management\n"); printf("
input 1-7:\n"); while(1) { scanf("%d",&sn); getchar(); if(sn < 1 || sn > 7)
printf("wrong input!please input again:\n"); else break; } return sn; }
ListNode* CreateList (void) { ListNode * head = (ListNode *
)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); if(head == NULL) { printf("in the CreateList: can't
malloc the memory"); exit(0); } head->next = NULL; return head; } ListNode*
insertList(ListNode * head ) { ListNode *p=head; ListNode *s=(ListNode
*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); printf("pls input the info you want to insert in
order(number, name, sex, phone number and address):\n");//input data
gets(s->data.num); gets(s->data.name); gets(s->data.sex); gets(s->data.phone);
gets(s->data.addr); while(p->next) {//find place to insert p=p->next;
if(strcmp(s->data.num,p->data.num)<0) break; }/* 循环结束时: \ 2.p->next==NULL;s>p;
s-p 3.s<p; p-s */ if(p==head) { s->next=p->next; p->next=s; } else
if(strcmp(s->data.num,p->data.num)<0) {//q->s->p ListNode *q=head;
while(q->next!=p) { q=q->next; } q->next=s; s->next=p; } else {//p->s
s->next=p->next; p->next=s; } return head;//insert end } ListNode
*findlist(ListNode * head) { ListNode *p=head->next; ListNode *s=(ListNode
*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); printf("pls input the data ( in number ) you want
to find:\n"); gets(s->data.num);// input the data you want to find while(p) {
if(strcmp(p->data.num,s->data.num)==0) break; p=p->next; } if(p==NULL) {
printf("cannot be found!\n");//not find return NULL; } else {//find sucess and
output it printf("%s\t",p->data.num); printf("%s\t",p->data.name);
printf("%s\t",p->data.sex); printf("%s\t",p->data.phone);
printf("%s\n",p->data.addr); return p; } } void modify(ListNode * head) {
ListNode *p=findlist(head); if(p==NULL) { printf("cannot be found!\n");//not
find } else { printf("pls input new info:\n");//modify it gets(p->data.num);
gets(p->data.name); gets(p->data.sex); gets(p->data.phone); gets(p->data.addr);
} } ListNode *deletelist(ListNode * head) { ListNode *p=findlist(head);
if(p==NULL) { printf("cannot be found!\n");//not find } else { ListNode
*q=head; while(q->next!=p) { q=q->next; }//find the place before the deleted
data q->next=p->next; free(p);//release it printf("delete success.\n"); }
return head; } void *displayList(ListNode * head ) { ListNode *p= head->next;
if(p==NULL) printf("the address list is NULL now.\n");// the list is empty now
else { int i=0; printf("num\tname\tsex\tphone\taddr\n"); while(i<c) { //output
everything printf("%s\t",p->data.num); printf("%s\t",p->data.name);
printf("%s\t",p->data.sex); printf("%s\t",p->data.phone);
printf("%s\n",p->data.addr); p=p->next; i++; } } } // the main function; int
main() { while(1) { // system("cls"); system("DATE/t"); system("TIME/t");
switch(menu_select()) { case 1: head = CreateList(); printf("Querr OK\n");
break; case 2: head=insertList(head); c++; break; case 3: findlist(head);
break; case 4: modify(head); break; case 5: head=deletelist(head); c--; break;
case 6: displayList(head); break; case 7: printf("thanks ! bye!"); return 0;
break; default : printf("23333"); } // } }
热门工具 换一换