论文阅读见:《Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Raindrop Removal from A
Single Image》 <https://blog.csdn.net/Gavinmiaoc/article/details/86542945>
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Test model
In this repo I uploaded a model trained on dataset provided by the origin
author origin_dataset
The trained derain net model weights files are stored in folder model/
python3 test_model.py --weights_path
model/new_model/derain_gan_2019-01-25-15-55-54.ckpt-200000 --image_path
The author's results are as follows:
Test Input Image
Test Derain result image
My results are as follows:
Test Input Image
Test Derain result image
Test Attention Map at time 1
Test Attention Map at time 2
Test Attention Map at time 3
Test Attention Map at time 4
Train your own model
Data Preparation
Firstly you need to organize your training data refer to the
data/training_data_example folder structure. And you need to generate a
train.txt record the data used for training the model.
The whole dataset can be find here:
####Training Set:
861 image pairs for training.
####Testing Set A:
For quantitative evaluation where the alignment of image pairs is good. A
subset of testing set B.
####Testing Set B:
239 image pairs for testing.
# 将原数据集分为training ,validation by gavin import os import random import argparse
# 划分验证集训练集 _NUM_TEST = 0 #20000 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
default='/home/gavin/Dataset/attentive-gan-derainnet/train', type=str,
help='The folder path') parser.add_argument('--train_filename',
default='./data/training_data_example/train_test.txt', type=str, help='The
train filename.') parser.add_argument('--validation_filename',
default='./data/training_data_example/validation.txt', type=str, help='The
validation filename.') #/home/gavin/Dataset/attentive-gan-derainnet/test_b def
_get_filenames(dataset_dir): photo_filenames = [] image_list =
os.listdir(dataset_dir) photo_filenames = [os.path.join(dataset_dir, _) for _
in image_list] return photo_filenames if __name__ == "__main__": args =
parser.parse_args() data_dir = os.path.join(args.folder_path,'data')
data_dir_gt = os.path.join(args.folder_path,'gt') # get all file names
photo_filenames = _get_filenames(data_dir) photo_file_gt =
_get_filenames(data_dir_gt) print("size of dataset is %d" %
(len(photo_filenames))) print("size of dataset_gt is %d" %
(len(photo_file_gt))) photo_filenames.sort() photo_file_gt.sort()
print(photo_filenames) training_file_names = [] for i in
range(len(photo_file_gt)): string_filename = photo_file_gt[i] +' ' +
photo_filenames[i] training_file_names.append(string_filename) ''' # 切分数据为测试训练集
random.seed(0) random.shuffle(photo_filenames) training_file_names =
photo_filenames[_NUM_TEST:] print("training file size:",
len(training_file_names)) ''' # make output file if not existed if not
os.path.exists(args.train_filename): os.mknod(args.train_filename) # write to
file fo = open(args.train_filename, "w")
fo.write("\n".join(training_file_names)) fo.close() # print process
print("Written file is: ", args.train_filename) python3 generate_flist.py
--folder_path /home/gavin/Dataset/attentive-gan-derainnet/test_b
The training samples are consist of two components. A clean image free from
rain drop label image and a origin image degraded by raindrops.
All your training image will be scaled into the same scale according to the
config file.
Train model
In my experiment the training epochs are 200010, batch size is 1, initialized
learning rate is 0.002. About training parameters you can check the
global_configuration/config.py for details.
# train python3 train_model.py --dataset_dir data/training_data_example/ #
continue train python3 train_model.py --dataset_dir data/training_data_example/
--weights_path model/new_model/derain_gan_2019-01-25-15-55-54.ckpt-200000 #
test derain_gan_2019-01-25-15-55-54.ckpt-200000 python3 test_model.py
--weights_path model/new_model/derain_gan_2019-01-25-15-55-54.ckpt-200000
--image_path data/test_data/test_1.png
# coding=utf-8 # 批量修改图片尺寸 # imageResize(r"D:\tmp", r"D:\tmp\3", 0.7) import os
from PIL import Image def image_Crop(input_path, output_path): files =
os.listdir(input_path) os.chdir(input_path) path_data =
os.path.join(output_path, 'data') path_gt = os.path.join(output_path, 'gt') #
判断输出文件夹是否存在,不存在则创建 if (not os.path.exists(output_path)):
os.makedirs(output_path) if (not os.path.exists(path_data)):
os.makedirs(path_data) if (not os.path.exists(path_gt)): os.makedirs(path_gt)
for file in files: # 判断是否为文件,文件夹不操作 if (os.path.isfile(file)): print(file) img
= Image.open(file) box1 = (0, 0, img.size[0]/2, img.size[1]) box2 =
(img.size[0]/2, 0,img.size[0], img.size[1]) roi1 = img.crop(box1) roi2 =
img.crop(box2) roi1.save(os.path.join(path_data, "data" + file))
roi2.save(os.path.join(path_gt, "gt" + file)) def imageResize(input_path,
output_path, scale): # 获取输入文件夹中的所有文件/夹,并改变工作空间 files = os.listdir(input_path)
os.chdir(input_path) # 判断输出文件夹是否存在,不存在则创建 if (not os.path.exists(output_path)):
os.makedirs(output_path) for file in files: # 判断是否为文件,文件夹不操作 if
(os.path.isfile(file)): img = Image.open(file) width = int(img.size[0] * scale)
height = int(img.size[1] * scale) img = img.resize((width, height),
Image.ANTIALIAS) img.save(os.path.join(output_path, "New_" + file)) if __name__
== '__main__': input_path = '/home/gavin/Dataset/DID-MDN-datasets/DID-MDN-test'
output_path = '/home/gavin/Dataset/attentive-gan-derainnet/train_mdn'
源码作者重新修改了Psnr及ssim的计算方式,并且add data augmentation and modify configuration
,add random flip augmentation function
if __name__ == '__main__': # init args args = init_args() assert
ops.exists(args.dataset_dir), '{:s} not exist'.format(args.dataset_dir)
producer = DerainDataProducer(dataset_dir=args.dataset_dir) tf_save_dir =
ops.join(args.tfrecords_dir, 'tfrecords') # add by gavin
producer.generate_tfrecords(save_dir=tf_save_dir, step_size=5000)
# new demo data prepare python3 data_provider/data_feed_pipline.py
--dataset_dir /home/gavin/Dataset/attentive-gan-derainnet/train --tfrecords_dir
./data # train python3 tools/train_model.py --dataset_dir ./data # test python3
tools/test_model.py --weights_path
model/derain_gan/derain_gan.ckpt-100000--image_path data/test_data/test_1.png
# Set the shadownet training epochs __C.TRAIN.EPOCHS = 100010 # Set the
initial learning rate __C.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE = 0.0002
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