




Retrofit: Retrofit是Square 公司开发的一款正对Android 网络请求的框架。底层基于OkHttp 实现。
RxJava:RxJava 在 GitHub 主页上的自我介绍是 “a library for composing asynchronous and
event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM”(一个在 Java VM
上使用可观测的序列来组成异步的、基于事件的程序的库)。这就是 RxJava ,概括得非常精准。总之就是让异步操作变得非常简单。
各自的职责:Retrofit 负责请求的数据和请求的结果,使用接口的方式呈现,OkHttp 负责请求的过程,RxJava 负责异步,各种线程之间的切换。
RxJava + Retrofit 已成为当前Android 网络请求最流行的方式。



* 顶级接口
第一层 interface ITopView : LifecycleOwner { fun getCtx(): Context? fun inited()
fun finish(resultCode: Int = Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) fun showLoading(@NotNull
msg: String) fun showLoading(@StringRes srtResId: Int) fun dismissLoading() fun
showToast(@StringRes srtResId: Int) fun showToast(@NotNull message: String) }
interface ITopPresenter : LifecycleObserver { fun attachView(view: ITopView)
@OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY) fun detachView() } interface
ITopModel { fun onDetach() }
interface IView<P : ITopPresenter> : ITopView { var mPresenter: P override fun
inited() { mPresenter.attachView(this) } } interface IPresenter<V : ITopView, M
: IModel> : ITopPresenter { var mView: V? var mModel: M? fun getContext() =
mView?.getCtx() @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") override fun attachView(view:
ITopView) { mView = view as V mView?.lifecycle?.addObserver(this) } override
fun detachView() { mModel?.onDetach() mModel = null mView = null }
//判断是否初始化View private val isViewAttached: Boolean get() = mView != null fun
checkViewAttached() { if (!isViewAttached) throw MvpViewNotAttachedException()
} private class MvpViewNotAttachedException internal constructor() :
RuntimeException("Please call IPresenter.attachView(IBaseView) before" + "
requesting data to the IPresenter") } interface IModel : ITopModel { val
mDisposablePool: CompositeDisposable fun addDisposable(disposable: Disposable)
{ mDisposablePool.add(disposable) } override fun onDetach() { if
(!mDisposablePool.isDisposed) { mDisposablePool.clear() } } }
interface IListView<P : ITopPresenter> :IView<P>{ val mRecyclerView:
RecyclerView? val mStateView: IStateView? val mRefreshLayout:SmartRefreshLayout
fun loadMoreFail(isRefresh: Boolean) }
open class BaseModelKt { val mDisposablePool: CompositeDisposable by lazy {
CompositeDisposable() } }
open class BasePresenterKt<V : ITopView> { var mView: V? = null }

abstract class BaseMvpActivity<V : ITopView, P : ITopPresenter> :
BaseActivity(), IView<P> { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) inited() } override fun getCtx() = this
override fun showLoading(msg: String) {
progressDialog?.showProgressDialogWithText(msg) } override fun
finish(resultCode: Int) { finish() } override fun showLoading(srtResId: Int) {
progressDialog?.showProgressDialogWithText(resources.getString(srtResId)) }
override fun dismissLoading() { progressDialog?.dismissProgressDialog() }
override fun showToast(message: String) { showToastBottom(message) } override
fun showToast(srtResId: Int) { showToast(resources.getString(srtResId)) } }
abstract class BaseMvpFragment<V : ITopView, P : ITopPresenter> :
BaseFragment(), IView<P> { override fun getCtx() = context override fun
onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState) inited() } override fun
finish(resultCode: Int) { } override fun showToast(message: String) {
showToastBottom(message) } override fun showToast(srtResId: Int) {
showToast(resources.getString(srtResId)) } override fun showLoading(msg:
String) { showProgressDialog(msg) } override fun showLoading(srtResId: Int) {
showProgressDialog(resources.getString(srtResId)) } override fun
dismissLoading() { dismissProgressDialog() } }
abstract class BaseMvpTitleActivity<V : ITopView, P : ITopPresenter> :
BaseMvpActivity<V, P>() { private var rightMenuTexts: String? = null private
var rightMenuIcons: Int? = null private var titleTv: TextView? = null
@LayoutRes protected abstract fun childView(): Int override fun
getContentView() = R.layout.activtiy_base_title override fun initView() { val
container = this.findViewById<FrameLayout>(R.id.base_container)
container.addView(layoutInflater.inflate(childView(), null)) val toolbar =
this.findViewById<Toolbar>(R.id.base_toolbar) titleTv =
this.findViewById(R.id.base_title_tv) toolbar.title = ""
setSupportActionBar(toolbar) if (hasBackIcon()) {
toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener { finish() } } } open fun hasBackIcon() =
true override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean {
rightMenuIcons?.let { val item = menu.add(0, 0, 0, "") item.icon =
ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, it)
item.setShowAsAction(Menu.FLAG_ALWAYS_PERFORM_CLOSE) } rightMenuTexts?.let {
val item = menu.add(0, 0, 0, "") item.title = it
item.setShowAsAction(Menu.FLAG_ALWAYS_PERFORM_CLOSE) } return true } override
fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
onRightMenuClick(item.itemId) return false } /** * 设置toolbar右边的文字 */ fun
setRightMenuTexts(rightMenuText: String) { this.rightMenuTexts = rightMenuText
} /** * 设置toolbar右边的icon */ fun setRightMenuIcons(@DrawableRes rightIconResId:
Int) { this.rightMenuIcons = rightIconResId } /** *
当toolbar右边的icon,被点击,数据0,1,2,3 */ open fun onRightMenuClick(itemId: Int) { } /**
* 设置中间的title */ protected fun setActivityTitle(@StringRes strResId: Int) {
titleTv?.setText(strResId) } protected fun setActivityTitle(text: String) {
titleTv?.text = text } /** * 设置中间title的颜色 */ fun
setActivityTitleColor(@ColorRes colorId: Int) {
titleTv?.setTextColor(resources.getColor(colorId)) } }

abstract class BaseMvpListActivity<V : ITopView, P : ITopPresenter> :
BaseMvpActivity<V, P>(), IListView<P> { override fun getContentView() =
R.layout.layout_list override val mStateView: IStateView by lazy { list_sv }
override val mRecyclerView: RecyclerView by lazy { list_rv } override val
mRefreshLayout: SmartRefreshLayout by lazy { refreshLayout } override fun
initView() { //设置列表背景色 list_rv.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this,
setRecyclerViewBgColor)) //重试 list_sv.onRetry = { onRetry() } //刷新
refreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener { onRefresh() } //设置下拉刷新是否可用
refreshLayout.isEnabled = setRefreshEnable } abstract fun onRefresh() abstract
fun onRetry() open val setRecyclerViewBgColor = R.color.white open val
setRefreshEnable = true } abstract class BaseMvpListFragment<V : ITopView, P :
ITopPresenter> : BaseMvpFragment<V, P>(), IListView<P> { override fun
getContentView() = R.layout.layout_list override val mStateView: IStateView by
lazy { list_sv } override val mRecyclerView: RecyclerView by lazy { list_rv }
override val mRefreshLayout: SmartRefreshLayout by lazy { refreshLayout }
override fun initData() { //设置背景色 context?.let {
list_rv.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(it, setRecyclerViewBgColor))
} //重试 list_sv.onRetry = { onRetry() } //刷新 refreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener
{ onRefresh() } //设置下拉刷新是否可用 refreshLayout.isEnabled = setRefreshEnable }
abstract fun onRefresh() abstract fun onRetry() open val setRecyclerViewBgColor
= R.color.white open val setRefreshEnable = true } abstract class
BaseMvpTitleListActivity<V : ITopView, P : ITopPresenter> :
BaseMvpTitleActivity<V, P>(), IListView<P> { override fun childView()=
R.layout.layout_list override val mStateView: IStateView by lazy { list_sv }
override val mRecyclerView: RecyclerView by lazy { list_rv } override val
mRefreshLayout: SmartRefreshLayout by lazy { refreshLayout } override fun
initView() { super.initView() //设置背景色
setRecyclerViewBgColor)) //重试 list_sv.onRetry = { onRetry() } //刷新
refreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener { onRefresh() } //设置下拉刷新是否可用
refreshLayout.isEnabled = setRefreshEnable } abstract fun onRefresh() abstract
fun onRetry() open val setRecyclerViewBgColor = R.color.white open val
setRefreshEnable = true }


* retrofit的封装
这个apiService我才用泛型回调,这样可以根据不同的模块创建不同的retrofit工厂类,这个也有利用模块化开发 abstract class
RetrofitFactory<T> { private val time_out: Long = 15//超时时间 var apiService: T
init { val httpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder() .addInterceptor { chain -> val
builder = chain.request().newBuilder() // 添加请求头header if
(getToken().isNotEmpty()) { builder.header("userToken", getToken()) } val build
= builder.build() chain.proceed(build) }
.addInterceptor(HttpLoggingInterceptor(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Logger { message
-> if (message.contains("{")||message.contains("=")||message.contains("http")
||message.contains("userToken")){ Logger.e("${message}") }
.connectTimeout(time_out, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .readTimeout(time_out,
TimeUnit.SECONDS) .build() apiService = Retrofit.Builder()
.addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create(buildGson())) // 添加Gson转换器
.addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create()) //
添加Retrofit到RxJava的转换器 .client(httpClient) .build() .create(getApiService()) }
abstract fun getApiService(): Class<T> abstract fun getToken(): String private
fun buildGson(): Gson { return GsonBuilder() .setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd
HH:mm:ss") .create() } fun getService(): T { return apiService } }
* Rxjava+Retrofit的封装

具体使用例子 PersonRetrofit.apiService.getIdentityCode(phone).mySubscribe(view,
"正在获取验证码...") { view.getCodeSuccess() }

fun <T : BaseBean, P : ITopPresenter> Observable<T>.mSubscribe( iBaseView:
IView<P>? = null , iModel: IModel? = null , msg: String = "" , onSuccess: (T)
-> Unit) { this.compose(SchedulerUtils.ioToMain()) .subscribe(object :
Observer<T> { override fun onComplete() { iBaseView?.dismissLoading() }
override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { iModel?.addDisposable(d)
iBaseView?.showLoading(if (msg.isEmpty()) "请求中..." else msg) if
(!NetworkUtils.isConnected()) { showToastBottom("连接失败,请检查网络状况!") onComplete() }
} override fun onNext(t: T) { if (t.code == CodeStatus.SUCCESS) {
onSuccess.invoke(t) } else if (t.code == CodeStatus.LOGIN_OUT) {//重新登录 // val
currentActivity = ActivityUtils.currentActivity() //
UserManager.getInstance().clear() // EMClient.getInstance().logout(true) //
showToastBottom("登录过期,请重新登录") // val intent = Intent(currentActivity,
LoginActivity::class.java) // intent.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK //
currentActivity?.startActivity(intent) } else { if (!t.msg.isNullOrEmpty()) {
t.msg?.let { showToastBottom(it) } } else { showToastBottom("请求失败") } } }
override fun onError(e: Throwable) { iBaseView?.dismissLoading() if (e is
SocketTimeoutException || e is ConnectException) {
showToastBottom("连接失败,请检查网络状况!") } else if (e is JsonParseException) {
showToastBottom("数据解析失败") } else { showToastBottom("请求失败") } } }) } fun <T :
BaseBean, P : ITopPresenter> Observable<T>.listSubcribe( iBaseView:
IListView<P>? = null , iModel: IModel? = null , isRefresh: Boolean ,
isLoadMore: Boolean , onSuccess: (T) -> Unit) {
this.compose(SchedulerUtils.ioToMain()) .subscribe(object : Observer<T> {
override fun onComplete() {} override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {
iModel?.addDisposable(d) if (!isRefresh && !isLoadMore) {
iBaseView?.mStateView?.showLoading() } } override fun onNext(t: T) { if (t.code
== CodeStatus.SUCCESS) { iBaseView?.mStateView?.showSuccess()
onSuccess.invoke(t) } else if (t.code == CodeStatus.LOGIN_OUT) {//重新登录 //
UserManager.getInstance().clear() // showToastBottom("登录过期,请重新登录") //
EMClient.getInstance().logout(true) // val intent = Intent(currentActivity,
LoginActivity::class.java) // intent.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK //
currentActivity.startActivity(intent) } else {
iBaseView?.mStateView?.showError() } } override fun onError(e: Throwable) { if
(!isLoadMore) { iBaseView?.mStateView?.showError() } else {
iBaseView?.loadMoreFail(isRefresh) } } }) }

插件的名字叫MvpAutoCodePlus,github地址 插件地址


最后我写了一个demo放在github上面 项目地址 <https://github.com/mouxuefei/KotlinMvpExample>


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