自nodejs诞生以来出现了一大批的web框架如express koa2
1. 初始化配置
const db = new DbClient({ host : '', user : 'root', password :
'secret', database : 'my_db' });
2. 构造查询
* 2.1 查询单个值 // 查询单个值,比如下面例子返回的是数字51,满足条件的数据条数 const result = await db
.select("count(1)") .from("page") .where("name", "测试", "like") .queryValue();
* 2.2 查询单条数据 // 查询单条数据,返回的是 result = {id:12, name: '测试页面', ....} const result
= await db .select("*") .from("page") .where("id", 12) // id = 12 .queryRow();
* 2.3 查询多条数据 // 查询多条数据 返回的是 ressult = [{...}, {...}]; const result = await db
.select("*") .from("page") .where("name", "测试页面", 'like') // name like '%测试页面%'
* 2.4 服务端分页查询 // 查询多条数据(服务端分页) 返回的是 ressult = {total: 100, rows:[{...},
{...}]}; const result = await db .select("*") .from("page") .where("id", 100,
"lt") // id < 100 .queryListWithPaging(3, 20); //每页 20 条,取第 3 页
* 2.5 多表关联查询 // 多表关联查询 const result = await db .select("a.page_id,
a.saga_key") .from("page_edit_content as a") .join("left join page as b on b.id
= a.page_id") .where("b.id", 172) .queryList();
* 2.6 查询除了支持各种多表join外,当然还支持groupby orderby having等复杂查询操作 const result = await
db .select("a1 as a, b1 as b, count(c) as count") .from("table") .where("date",
db.literals.now, "lt") // date < now() .where("creator", "huisheng.lhs") //
creator = 'huisheng.lhs" .groupby("a1, b1") .having("count(category) > 10")
.orderby("id desc") .queryListWithPaging(2); //默认每页20条,取第2页
3. 构造插入
const task = { action: "testA", description: "desc1", state: "123", result:
"result1" }; // 插入一条数据 const result = await db .insert("task", task)
.execute(); // 也支持直接写字段,支持增加字段 const result = await db .insert("task")
.column("action", "test") .column("create_time", db.literals.now) .execute();
// 插入多条数据 const tasks = [ task1, taks2, task3 ]; const result = await db
.insert("task", tasks) .execute(); // 支持增加或覆盖字段 const result = await db
.insert("task", tasks) .column('create_time', db.literals.now) // 循环赋值给每一行数据
.column('create_user', 'huisheng.lhs') .execute();
4. 构造更新
const task = { action: "testA", description: "desc1", state: "123", result:
"updateResult" }; //更新数据 const result = await db .update("task", task)
.where("id", 1) .execute(); //更新数据,支持增加字段 const result = await db
.update("task") .column("action", "test-id22") .column("create_time",
db.literals.now) .where('id', 2) .execute();
5. 构造删除
//删除id为1的数据 const result = await db .delete("task") .where("id", 1) .execute();
6. 事务控制
const trans = await db.useTransaction(); try { // 数据库操作 // await
trans.insert(...) // await trans.update(...) await trans.commit(); } catch (e)
{ await trans.rollback(); }
7. 复杂条件查询设计
7.1 查询条件所有参数说明
// 查询条件所有参数 const result = await db .where(field, value, operator, ignore,
join) // 支持的所有参数 .where({field, value, operator, ignore, join}) //支持对象参数
.queryList(); // 复杂查询条件 const result = await db .select("*") .from("page")
.where("id", 100, "gt") // id > 100 .where("tags", "test", "like") //name like
'%test%' .where("tech", tech, "eq", "ifHave") // tech='tech_value' 当 tech
为空时,不做为查询条件 .where("tags", tags, "findinset", "ifHave", "or") .queryList();
* field 字段名
* value 传入值
* operator 操作符,默认equal4
* ignore 是否加为条件,返回false时则忽略该条件
* join 连接符号(and or),默认为and
7.2 操作逻辑定义operator
const result = await db .select("*") .from("page"); .where("id", 100, "lt") //
id < 100 .where("group_code", "dacu") // group_code = "dacu" .queryList();
const customOperator = ({ field, value }) => { if (condition) { return { sql:
'?? = ?', arg: [ field, value ], }; } else { return { sql: '?? > ?', arg: [
field, value ], }; } }; // 可直接使用也可注册到全局 const config = db.config();
config.registerOperator("customOperator", customOperator);
7.3 是否加为条件ignore
const query = db .select("*") .from("page"); .where("id", 100, "lt"); if
(name){ query.where("name", name, 'like'); } if (isNumber(source_id)){
query.where('source_id', source_id) } const result = await query.queryList();
const result = await db .select("*") .from("page") .where("id", 100, "lt")
.where("name", name, "like", "ifHave") //使用内置 ifHave,如果name为非空值时才加为条件
.where("source_id", tech, "eq", "ifNumber") //使用内置 ifNumber .queryList();
const customIgnore = ({field, value}) => { if (...){ return false; } return
true; }; //也可以注册到全局使用 const config = db.config();
config.registerIgnore("customIgnore", customIgnore);
7.4 查询条件优先级支持
// where a = 1 and (b = 1 or c < 1) and d = 1 const result = await
db.select('*') .from('table') .where('a', 1) .where([ {field: 'b', value: '1',
operator:'eq'}, {field: 'c', value: '1', operator:'lt', join: 'or'}, ])
.where('d', 1) .queryList();
7.5 真实场景中的复杂查询示例
// 复杂查询,真实场景示例,项目中拓展了keyword、setinset等operator及ignore const result = await
app.db .select('a.*, b.id as fav_id, c.name as biz_name, d.group_name')
.from('rocms_page as a') .join(`left join favorite as b on b.object_id = a.id
and b.object_type = "rocms_page" and b.create_user =
"${this.ctx.user.userid}"`) .join('left join rocms_biz as c on c.biz = a.biz')
.join('left join rocms_biz_group as d on d.biz = a.biz and d.group_code =
a.biz_group') // 关键字模糊查询
query.keywords, 'keywords', 'ifHasValueNotNumber') // 关键字在这些字段中模糊查询
.where('a.id', query.keywords, 'eq', 'ifNumber') // 关键字中输入了数字时当作id查询 // 精确查询
.where('a.id', query.id, 'eq', 'ifHave') .where('a.name', query.name, 'like',
'ifHave') .where('a.biz', query.biz, 'eq', 'ifHave') .where('a.biz_group',
query.biz_group, 'eq', 'ifHave') .where('a.support_clients',
query.support_clients, 'setinset', 'ifHave') .where('a.status', query.status,
'insetfind', 'ifHave') .where('a.owner', query.owner, 'eq', 'ifHave')
.where('a.offline_time', query.owner, 'eq', 'ifHave') // TAB类型
我的页面own、我的收藏fav、所有页面all .where('a.owner', this.ctx.user.userid, 'eq', () =>
query.queryType === 'own') .where('b.id', 0, 'isnotnull', () => query.queryType
=== 'fav') // 分页查询 .orderby('a.update_time desc, a.id desc')
.queryListWithPaging(query.pageIndex, query.pageSize);
4. 自定义配置
const config = db.config(); // 自定义operator config.registerOperator('ne', ({
field, value }) => { return { sql: '?? <> ?', arg: [ field, value ] }; }); //
自定义ignore config.registerIgnore('ifNumber', ({ value }) => { return
!isNaN(Number(value)); }); // 监听事件 执行前 config.onBeforeExecute(function({ sql })
{ console.log(sql); }); // 监听事件 执行后 config.onAfterExecute(function({ sql,
result }) { console.log(result); }); // 监听事件 执行出错
config.onExecuteError(function({ sql, error }) { console.log(error); });
5. 内置的operator及ignore
* 内置的默认operator
* eq (equal)
* ne (not equal)
* in (in)
* gt (greater than)
* ge (greater than or equal)
* lt (less than)
* le (less than or equal)
* isnull (is null)
* isnotnull (is not null)
* like (like)
* startwith (start with)
* endwith (end with)
* between (between)
* findinset (find_in_set(value, field))
* insetfind (find_in_set(field, value))
* sql (custom sql)
* keywords (keywords query)
* 内置的默认ignore
* ifHave (如果有值则加为条件)
* ifNumber (如果是数值则加为条件)
* demo-egg
* demo-koa
* demo-express
// this.app.mysql 为egg-mysql对象 const db = new DbClient(this.app.mysql)
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