public interface NamedNodeMap
org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap |
接口的对象用于表示可以按名称访问的节点集合。 请注意, NamedNodeMap
继承; NamedNodeMaps
不以任何特定顺序维护。 包含在实现NamedNodeMap
另请参阅 Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification 。
Public methods |
abstract int |
getLength() 此地图中的节点数量。 |
abstract Node |
getNamedItem(String name) 检索由名称指定的节点。 |
abstract Node |
getNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) 检索由本地名称和名称空间URI指定的节点。 |
abstract Node |
item(int index) 返回地图中的第 |
abstract Node |
removeNamedItem(String name) 删除由名称指定的节点。 |
abstract Node |
removeNamedItemNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) 删除由本地名称和名称空间URI指定的节点。 |
abstract Node |
setNamedItem(Node arg) 使用其属性 |
abstract Node |
setNamedItemNS(Node arg) 使用其 |
Node getNamedItem (String name)
Parameters | |
name |
String : The nodeName of a node to retrieve. |
Returns | |
Node |
A Node (of any type) with the specified nodeName , or null if it does not identify any node in this map. |
Node getNamedItemNS (String namespaceURI, String localName)
根据[ XML Namespaces ],如果应用程序希望没有命名空间,则必须将值作为namespaceURI参数使用。
Parameters | |
namespaceURI |
String : The namespace URI of the node to retrieve. |
localName |
String : The local name of the node to retrieve. |
Returns | |
Node |
A Node (of any type) with the specified local name and namespace URI, or null if they do not identify any node in this map. |
Throws | |
DOMException |
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised if the implementation does not support the feature "XML" and the language exposed through the Document does not support XML Namespaces (such as [HTML 4.01]). |
Node item (int index)
个项目。 如果index
Parameters | |
index |
int : Index into this map. |
Returns | |
Node |
The node at the index th position in the map, or null if that is not a valid index. |
Node removeNamedItem (String name)
删除由名称指定的节点。 当此映射包含附加到元素的属性时,如果已知的已删除属性具有默认值,则会立即显示一个属性,其中包含默认值以及相应的名称空间URI,本地名称和前缀(如果适用)。
Parameters | |
name |
String : The nodeName of the node to remove. |
Returns | |
Node |
The node removed from this map if a node with such a name exists. |
Throws | |
DOMException |
NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node named name in this map. NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this map is readonly. |
Node removeNamedItemNS (String namespaceURI, String localName)
删除由本地名称和名称空间URI指定的节点。 如果此映射包含附加到元素的属性(如Node
接口的属性属性所返回),则可以知道已删除的属性具有默认值。 如果是这样,一个属性立即出现,包含默认值以及相应的名称空间URI,本地名称和前缀(如果适用)。
根据[ XML Namespaces ],如果应用程序希望没有名称空间,则必须将值作为namespaceURI参数使用。
Parameters | |
namespaceURI |
String : The namespace URI of the node to remove. |
localName |
String : The local name of the node to remove. |
Returns | |
Node |
The node removed from this map if a node with such a local name and namespace URI exists. |
Throws | |
DOMException |
NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised if there is no node with the specified namespaceURI and localName in this map. NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this map is readonly. NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised if the implementation does not support the feature "XML" and the language exposed through the Document does not support XML Namespaces (such as [HTML 4.01]). |
Node setNamedItem (Node arg)
属性添加节点。 如果具有该名称的节点已经存在于该映射中,它将被替换为新映射。 自行更换节点不起作用。
属性用于派生节点必须存储的名称,因此某些类型的多个节点(具有“特殊”字符串值的节点)不能存储,因为名称会冲突。 这被认为比允许节点被别名更可取。
Parameters | |
arg |
Node : A node to store in this map. The node will later be accessible using the value of its nodeName attribute. |
Returns | |
Node |
If the new Node replaces an existing node the replaced Node is returned, otherwise null is returned. |
Throws | |
DOMException |
WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map. NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this map is readonly. INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object. The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements. HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if an attempt is made to add a node doesn't belong in this NamedNodeMap. Examples would include trying to insert something other than an Attr node into an Element's map of attributes, or a non-Entity node into the DocumentType's map of Entities. |
Node setNamedItemNS (Node arg)
添加一个节点。 如果具有该名称空间URI和该本地名称的节点已经存在于此映射中,它将被替换为新映射。 自行更换节点不起作用。
根据[ XML Namespaces ],如果应用程序希望没有名称空间,则必须将值作为namespaceURI参数使用。
Parameters | |
arg |
Node : A node to store in this map. The node will later be accessible using the value of its namespaceURI and localName attributes. |
Returns | |
Node |
If the new Node replaces an existing node the replaced Node is returned, otherwise null is returned. |
Throws | |
DOMException |
WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if arg was created from a different document than the one that created this map. NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised if this map is readonly. INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an attribute of another Element object. The DOM user must explicitly clone Attr nodes to re-use them in other elements. HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Raised if an attempt is made to add a node doesn't belong in this NamedNodeMap. Examples would include trying to insert something other than an Attr node into an Element's map of attributes, or a non-Entity node into the DocumentType's map of Entities. NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised if the implementation does not support the feature "XML" and the language exposed through the Document does not support XML Namespaces (such as [HTML 4.01]). |